We offer a locally produced organic soil, specially blended to match the growing conditions at Lavington Turf. This ensures your new lawn has the best possible conditions for fertilizer uptake, and long term health. It is screened to produce a uniform and easy-to-use product. Among our offerings, you’ll find soil and aggregate that comes expertly packaged in 1-yard mini bulk bags, making it easy to transport and handle. Our soil and aggregate are specially selected to provide optimal growing conditions for a variety of crops and plants. In addition to our soil and aggregate products, we also offer an excellent selection of seed and fertilizer maintenance products. Whether you’re looking to start a new crop or maintain an existing one, our seed and fertilizer options are designed to help you achieve the best possible results.
Available for pickup at the farm, for your convenience.
Decrease your water usage and plant sod that will thrive in the ever-changing climate.
From our field to your yard. Less than a week quote to responsive delivery.
Get small amounts of turf easily and hassle-free.