Your new lawn requires 1 inch of water per week to stay green and hydrated. Water 2-3 times per week, NOT daily to encourage deep roots. Deep roots will reach for water and will maximize the water it receives in the stored soil. During drought conditions, your bluegrass lawn will go dormant and recover quickly when watering resumes.
Mow often, removing no more than 1/3 of the height at once. Lopping grass off at high heights stresses it and short clippings provide mulch, which feeds your grass instead of mulch that piles up and turns into thatch.
Fertilize your lawn 3 times per year. Fertilizing provides nutrients that are lost over time and healthy, thriving bluegrass chokes out weeds.
We sell both fertilizer and lawn seed – Please contact us for pricing and availability.
Drought conditions in the Okanagan mean people are conscious of water usage. As a member of the Drought Response Team for the North Okanagan Regional District, Lavington Turf Farms personally helped with the development of a local drought response plan.
We’re heavily involved within our community because we believe in a green world. Our goal is to teach people how to look after their grass with minimal amounts of water. Our professional team of experts will tell you how to look after your grass so you don’t have to waste valuable water resources.
Decrease your water usage and plant sod that will thrive in the ever-changing climate.
From our field to your yard. Less than a week quote to responsive delivery.
Get small amounts of turf easily and hassle-free.