Nothing brings down the look of a beautiful lawn quite like dead patches of grass. Even with the best tended lawn, you might still have dead patches of grass appear from time to time. That being said, the reason for them might not always be obvious. The most common reasons for dead grass patches are: Pets, weeds, high foot traffic areas, drought stress, soil concerns, fungal diseases, fertilizer burn and improper watering.
Got some pesky dead spots you would love to restore? In this blog we walk you through our top tips on how to repair those pesky patches, and how best to treat your lawn to achieve that beautiful lush, green lawn once more.
Let’s get started!
The dead spots in your lawn will require reseeding to produce new growth. However, before immediately dropping seeds within a dead spot, first you will want to remove the dead grass.
Using a garden rake or hand rake, scrape the dead grass zone and remove the first layer of thatch. That’s the base layer above the soil. With the first layer removed, it’s also ideal to pull any invasive weeds, and rake the soil below to loosen it for reseeding. With that all ready, you have prepared your spot for new growth!
Follow the manufacturer’s instructions and spread new seeds over the new area. It’s important to not overseed during this step.
Seeds will also germinate best in morning and evening temperatures, so avoid reseeding in the middle of the day during summer time. Finally, gently water your spot! And we do really mean gently, as the seeds need the best possible start to grow effectively. Give it a generous amount of water, and continue to do so until germination occurs. This is typically after two weeks of watering.
Now that you have your seedlings planted, it’s important to encourage growth and make sure your grass grows effectively. Mow your lawn only when the germinated lawn is at least 3 inches tall.
Keep up with consistent watering, and your lawn will grow in and back to normal in no time. It’s also important to monitor the location regularly, to ensure there are no fungal growth issues, improper watering spots or issues due to lack of fertilizer. To find more information on how to improve your lawn’s overall health, and keep it healthy throughout the summer, check out our previous blog here.
At Lavington Turf Farms, we understand the difficulty of maintaining a perfect lawn. We professionally install turf for your projects – contact us today if you need a quote for your project.
We are committed to helping our customers and are always here if you have questions. Our drought tolerant sod is of high quality to help ensure a healthy lawn all year round!
We proudly serve the following areas: Vernon, Coldstream, Lumby, Salmon Arm, Sorrento, Revelstoke, Kamloops, Kelowna, Penticton, Kootenays, and Caribou, all the way to the USA Border.
For more information or a free quote for your project, please visit this page on our website.
There is nothing quite like lush green grass, and thanks to spring, it’s easy to achieve this. However, when spring transitions into summer, the weather conditions can be an absolute nightmare for your lawn. The good news is, you don’t have to slave over your lawn to keep it healthy. In fact, to a great extent, it’s not the amount of work you put into your lawn — it’s when and how you do it.
There are some fundamentals that are key in retaining the life in your grass. As well, keep it fresh and lush all season long. In this blog, you will find our top tips for keeping your beautiful grass green and healthy, and how caring for your grass can give you some great results!
If you live within the Okanagan, then you understand summer heat. And as much as your lawn requires sunshine to thrive, too much of it can dry out your lawn and cause any water to evaporate. A good rule of thumb is to water your lawn in the early morning or late evening. Your lawn will enjoy the break of sunlight. During this time your lawn has a chance to take in as much water as possible and absorb enough to stay hydrated throughout the day.
You might not have ever considered raising the height of your lawnmower, but believe it or not, it greatly helps your lawn during the summer months. Trimming and keeping the grass longer will help shield the roots from the damages of the sun. This in turn, prevents your roots from drying out. That being said, it’s ideal to mow your lawn every 2-3 weeks to keep it within its best conditions.
Running a soil test will let you know if you are missing any specific nutrients, and whether those nutrients are running low or high. Knowing your lawn’s current health means it’s easy to find a fertilizer with a nutrient ratio that fits your needs. Fall is an excellent time to fertilize your lawn with a slow-releasing fertilizer, as it is soaking up as much nutrients as possible to store for the winter months – resulting in fresh green grass for spring!
Keep an eye out – or take the time every week to do a walk through your backyard. If your lawn is filled with feet everyday, it doesn’t hurt to check in and see the damage from time to time. As quick as your lawn get’s green, it’s also quick to sprout weeds and develop dead spots. We always recommend getting to those weeds as early as possible. Whether that includes manually pulling them, or using a weeder. Dead spots are an indication of regrowth needed. Which means, reseeding appropriately. Dead spots included, it’s better to address lawn imperfections sooner rather than later when it becomes an even bigger problem.
Your lawn needs oxygen just as much as it needs water. The process allows for air, nutrients, and water to penetrate deeper into the soil and gain quicker access to the roots. Aerating your lawn also allows for better water absorption which prevents runoff. The easiest method to aerate your lawn would include the use of a garden fork, or hiring a machine in larger areas.
Whatever your goals are for this summer – rest assured knowing that the work you put into your lawn will provide lush, green grass as a result. Most importantly, as we mentioned earlier, it’s not always about the work you put in, it’s about when you do it.
At Lavington Turf Farms, we are committed to helping our customers and are always here if you have questions. We also offer drought tolerant sod of high quality to help ensure a healthy lawn all year round.
We proudly serve the following areas: Vernon, Coldstream, Lumby, Salmon Arm, Sorrento, Revelstoke, Kamloops, Kelowna, Penticton, Kootenays, and Caribou, all the way to the USA Border.
For more information or a free quote for your project, please visit this page on our website.
Within the Okanagan, home owners have the luxury of enjoying mixed temperatures all season, with the added benefit of cold winter months and hot summer months. With that being said, the unreasonably hot and dry summers take its toll on plant life – giving long hot days, with little to no rain. As well, the long winter months mean your grass manages with heavy snow falls, and below freezing temperatures. However, the brown and dry grass homeowners are left with is completely normal and should have no cause for concern. In fact, your grass isn’t dead, it’s simply dormant!
It’s quite a common question at Lavington Turf Farms; We have customers who aren’t used to the Okanagan summers or winters, and are more used to green grass year round. In this blog, we will take you through grass dormancy; the difference between dead or dormant grass, how your lawn will be affected, and tips we gathered from years within the industry to care for dormant sod.
That being said, let’s get started!
The sight of brown grass can be confusing for homeowners. It’s important to know what caused the discoloration and in the best case scenario – if your grass is still alive. There are a few simple differences in dead and dormant grass, and if the grass is dormant, you will be completely capable of having lush green grass again.
The simplest difference would be testing your lawn by pulling on a small section of brown grass to test resistance. Simply put, if you have no resistance and the grass pulls out easy – it’s dead. Another visual difference in dead and dormant grass, is that typically, dormant grass will be consistent. By this we mean, if your whole lawn is brown in colour it’s most likely dormant.
Of course, if there are small patches of brown grass inconsistent with the rest of the lawn, then those areas are most likely dead.
Remember to act consistent and attentive with watering, and inquire to a professional if you need help deciphering between dead or dormant grass.
Now that you know your grass is dormant, let’s talk about how your grass is revived out of dormancy. As mentioned earlier, when your grass is yellow or brown in colour and looks as if dead, there is actually a part of the root that is still intact; the crown. This inner piece remains alive and will regain life again once reactivated by moisture. When this happens, the grass will begin to transition into green lush grass again. Of course, this is greatly benefited if you have consistent waterings and treat your dormant grass with care.
Dormant grass is in a vulnerable state, so limiting the traffic on your grass while it recovers is ideal for your grass to bounce back properly. Besides damage caused from traffic, your vulnerable lawn is susceptible to weeds when dormant. Be sure to monitor your grass frequently during dormancy and trim weeds appropriately early in the spring season.
Did you know that it is possible to lay dormant sod in the off seasons? It’s actually beneficial to install dormant sod grass in the early winter months to prevent erosion and mud. If monitored and treated correctly, your sod will grow roots in the early spring months, and you will have the full benefits of a healthy green lawn. When laying dormant sod, it’s important to follow a proper watering schedule, and be alert for cold dry weather, which has a high chance of drying out the root of the sod.
Dormant sod does require less water than previously laid summer sod – but you should always be mindful of the conditions year round, and water accordingly, to ensure roots form for spring. Herbicides should also not be applied until spring months once the sod is rooted.
Now we hope you feel confident and comfortable knowing that your lawn can, and will go dormant during certain seasons throughout the year, but that should give you no reason to panic. Brown grass is common and not an issue – as long as you treat your dormant grass well, then the likelihood of having green lush grass for future spring and summer seasons will happen for you. If at any point you require help determining if your grass is dormant or dead, or if you need sod for new sections of your lawn, contact us for a quote today!
At Lavington Turf Farms, we are always here if you have any questions about your projects. We can customize our sod to fit your needs, and our drought tolerant turf will always fit the conditions.
We proudly serve the following areas: Vernon, Coldstream, Lumby, Salmon Arm, Sorrento, Revelstoke, Kamloops, Kelowna, Penticton, Kootenays, and Caribou, all the way to the USA Border.
For more information or a free quote for your project, please visit this page on our website.
Laying sod is one quick way to ensure you achieve a beautiful and healthy lawn. However, it’s very important that you go about installing the sod properly to reap the full benefits of a new lawn. As a homeowner, It is best to install turf when you receive it, or store it in a shaded place until you can install it. This helps maintain the sod quality and prevents it from drying out and rotting before application.
We detailed in our previous blog – the important steps for preparing your project area. In this blog, we will continue the sod installation process and cover a few tips while also providing some advice when it comes to installing the sod.
In our previous blog, we highlighted some crucial tips on preparing your yard for new sod – you can find this blog here. For convenience however, we can break it down into the following topics: Removing weeds/clearing the area, preparing your soil, installing irrigation, and measuring your area. Preparing your project area is very important for the success of your sod – and ultimately, that just saves time, and allows you to enjoy the benefits of your yard sooner!
Once you have smoothed out the area, you can begin by unrolling the turf. It’s important to lay the turf along straight edges; such as starting from a driveway. Unroll the turf on the longest landscaping area – this is making sure that the sod is fully exposed to the soil beneath it, so it has the best chance of adapting to the soil.
Work with the pieces, laying edge to edge and flattening them as you go. Using a utility knife if necessary to cut pieces that are in uneven areas within your project area. Be sure to smooth out footprints in the dirt as you walk, and place the sod strategically so you avoid walking over it as you continue to place the remainder of the sod.
While you continue to lay your turf, ensure that the pieces lay flush against each other without any overlapping. You will want to prevent any gaps as well – so be observant that each piece is well aligned to one another. It’s also important to note that you will get better water retention if you lay sod horizontally, rather than vertically, if you have a sloped property. As mentioned before, it’s important to not walk on your placed sod as your weight can disrupt the placement and shift the sod to create gaps.
Once you have finished the placement, cutting and rearranging of the sod – it’s time to fully press it into the soil. The purpose of this is to achieve a tight connection between the sod and soil; this can be easily achieved with a lawn roller. After your rolling is complete, it’s best to limit the traffic on your newly laid sod to ensure it establishes well – this includes children and pets.
Did we make it clear you need to water your sod well? Of course you don’t want puddles forming on the newly laid sod, however, you’ll definitely want to water daily to encourage deep root growth. After the first week of active watering, you can slowly decrease the watering to every other day – of course, accounting for rainfall as well. Watering your newly laid sod actively is the real secret to achieving healthy and lush grass.
No matter the case, or size of your project this year – Lavington Turf Farms is here to help! We provide Okanagan drought tolerant turf & sod that’s customizable for your project – whatever that entails. But, if you find that your project is too large, we also professionally install turf for your project – contact us for a quote today, we are always happy to answer any questions!
We proudly serve the following areas: Vernon, Coldstream, Lumby, Salmon Arm, Sorrento, Revelstoke, Kamloops, Kelowna, Penticton, Kootenays, and Caribou, all the way to the USA Border.
For more information or a free quote for your project, please visit this page on our website.
So, you have decided once and for all that this is the time of year to start that project, and finally get that front yard looking exactly how you always wanted it to look. Or maybe you read our previous blog located here, and finally feel motivated to lay new sod this season. Whatever your situation is, when you decide to install a new lawn and take advantage of the best time of the year to do it, you’re going to need some useful tips on how to prepare your yard. Sod is an investment, so it’s important to prepare your yard properly so you reap all the benefits of a successful lawn.
Let our experience with growing and installing sod help you with any project you hope to accomplish this season. Here you’ll find a few tips that we can give you when preparing to lay sod.
Whether your current project involves removing existing grass or you are planning to lay sod in a new area – your first step should always be to clear the area. This involves removing any existing grass or weeds, debris, and any large stones or clay that could affect the placement of new sod. The simplest method is to rake the area of any debris, but if you possess a tiller, you can break apart the top 4-6 inches of ground to reveal and remove any debris.
Optional: It may be a good idea to spray weeds with non-selective herbicide to guarantee they won’t invade your new grass as well. This is especially true if you have a severe weed or noxious grass problem.
If you read our previous blog, you would know that we mentioned how important preparing your soil is – and we meant that. Now that the area is clear of debris, it’s best practice to level the area by using a rake and ensuring any high spots and low spots are now evened. Apply and spread an adequate amount of high quality top soil, resulting in a depth of 3 – 3.5 inches.
Additionally, you will want to roll/compact the top soil using a roller. Another method to compacting top soil without a roller, is using plywood or the back of a shovel. However, we would always recommend a roller to best help the sod roots come into better contact with the soil. As well, if you are laying sod near a driveway, walkway or road then ensure the top soil applied is one inch below to ensure an easier mowing experience.
At this stage, once your soil is leveled and in good condition you will then be in good standing to install your sprinkler system. If you are planning on installing your own irrigation system, just keep in mind that the sprinkler heads should be a ½ inch above the dirt. This gives the heads enough room for the sod, since the sod typically lies ¾ – 1 inch in depth.
Our final key tip is ensuring you have the correct amount of sod for your project scope. This means calculating the sod required by measuring the length and width of the area in feet. This is the formula you need to determine the number of square feet needed:
Length X width = number of square feet needed.
You can also order the sod for delivery or pickup for your expected day of installation. If you need a quote or assistance determining the amount of sod you would need, feel free to contact us at 1-250-549-2967 or fill out our request a quote form here.
At Lavington Turf Farms, we know the investment that comes with preparing to lay sod and the importance of doing it properly so you achieve the full benefits of a healthy yard. We always strongly stand by that preparation is key to the success of your sod – but we are always here if you have any questions with your own projects. With these tips you should be ready to tackle any project and apply your sod this season in full confidence.
We proudly serve the following areas: Vernon, Coldstream, Lumby, Salmon Arm, Sorrento, Revelstoke, Kamloops, Kelowna, Penticton, Kootenays, and Caribou, all the way to the USA Border.
For more information or a free quote for your project, please visit this page on our website.
Family owned and operated since 1988, we have been providing top quality sod and turf for many applications including: residential, golf and sports fields. Our experience comes from years of practice – and our roots run deep within the industry. With all that being said, to put it simply; we know turf/sod and the Okanagan pretty well.
With Spring fast approaching – it’s no question that residents within the Okanagan & BC Interior have been planning new projects that could include; beautiful lawns for their yards, new golf courses or creating/expanding a sports field! But how do you know when is the right time to lay sod? While it seems pretty straight forward, there are better times to lay sod to ensure you end up with lush, low-growing, thick grass.
Let’s get rolling!
Due to the warm summers with low humidity, and the mild winters; the Okanagan’s semi-arid climate is the perfect location to start your sod/turfing needs. Within Okanagan and Interior British Columbia, you can install turf any time from early spring to late fall.
Spring to late fall is an ideal time range because that’s when the ground can be easily worked with, and tilled to prepare for perfect sod application. That being said, we strongly believe that with the right preparation, there is no need to wait for the “right” season to put on your lawn!
The right preparation means ensuring the ground is in it’s best condition to retain sod, measuring your sod to ensure it lays correctly, and keeping up with the sod’s maintenance to ensure you produce long roots and beautiful grass. For more information on getting started, this page will let you know everything you need about sod preparation, and maintenance.
Spring is a fantastic time to lay down some new sod – but the warm to cool temperatures can come with a few drawbacks.
The occasional rain fall will greatly help the sod quickly root – but be warned, too much rain means muddy soil, which can make it more challenging to apply sod. We recommend not applying sod after a full rainfall – but being strategic with the application. Damp soil is great, and a huge advantage for your sod to quickly root – just be sure to act fast, and not wait for your soil to turn to mud!
With the transition from winter to spring – comes the expectancy of morning frost as well. Be sure to not walk too much on the new sod after frost, or else it could damage your new grass. For the spring, nutrients, sunlight and rain are abundant – it is an excellent time to lay your sod down.
As mentioned before, laying sod can be done the majority of the year – however, there are some important notes to keep in mind when laying sod in the summer. The Okanagan summers can typically be quite hot, and while it may be tempting to water your sod often – be sure to not over water it. Ideally, you will want your soil to be damp 3-4 inches below its surface.
Due to the nature of the summer temperatures – its most ideal to water your sod in the early mornings, and late afternoons. These times give the water more chances of soaking directly into the soil – watering during the day could mean, on those hot days, the water evaporating before ever reaching your soil, resulting in your sod not rooting.
While the fall within the Okanagan can be unpredictable and range from warm to cold – it’s still an excellent, and most times, ideal season for laying sod! Keep in mind that laying sod shouldn’t be done in below freezing temperatures – but rather, on those warmer days.
Fall is the preferred season to lay sod due to cooler temperatures; meaning less risk of the sod overheating and drying out. That being said, it’s still a good practice to water your sod often – but compared to summer months, you won’t have to fear your sod drying out.
Your sod will love the cooler temperatures, but so will you – these cooler temperatures also make for great working conditions!
Whatever your sod or turfing needs are – it’s always a great time to install within the Okanagan. While each season supplies its own advantages and disadvantages, you are always guaranteed fantastic results and growth following our best practices. After all, the success of your lawn really comes down to the preparation you have for the elements – rather than the elements themselves.
At Lavington Turf Farms, we want you to have the best experience possible when applying your sod, and end up with the best results. Our quality sod is perfect for battling the elements to give you lush, low-growing grass any time of the year.
The seasons can be unpredictable, but Lavington Turf Farms isn’t. From our field to your yard, we offer fast delivery and the ability to pick up at the farm direct.
For more information or a free quote for your project, please visit this page on our website.
Decrease your water usage and plant sod that will thrive in the ever-changing climate.
From our field to your yard. Less than a week quote to responsive delivery.
Get small amounts of turf easily and hassle-free.